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Floor Scrubber/Sweeper Rentals in Brampton, ON

Floor scrubbers and floor sweepers are vital tools in keeping your office space, production floor, warehouse, or other space clean and safe. While giving a professional ambiance for your clients and employees is important, it’s also about keeping everyone safe. These machines do away with the old days of mops and buckets. They provide efficient and affordable cleaning solutions for your workplace. However, depending on the size of your space and the frequency of its cleaning needs, it may make more sense to rent our machines rather than purchase them. We’ll go over the aspects of renting our machines. When you’re ready to get started, give us a call.

How Frequently Do You Need to Clean?

Depending on your facility’s size and industry, it may not need to be cleaned as often as others. Floors that have heavy traffic and production require more frequent cleanings. However, if you run a smaller facility or operate with fewer employees, you may get the cleaning you need without having to purchase, store, and maintain one of our floor sweepers or scrubbers.

Cost Efficiency and Maintenance

Speaking of maintenance, like all machines, floor scrubbers and sweepers will require routine maintenance to function properly. When you rent your machine, you don’t have to worry about maintenance or repair needs. We’ll take care of all the work, allowing you to enjoy all the benefits without spending money repairing your scrubber or sweeper.

Additionally, we can help you consider cost efficiency in your investment. Floor scrubbers are great for linoleum, wood, tile, concrete, and other hard floors. Instead of spending money on a full machine and worrying about storing it, you can just rent one and use it for your current needs. Keep in mind that you also have to consider cleaning supplies, tools, and operator costs when maintaining your floors. Efficient floor scrubbers and sweepers help keep these costs down, but you may not need to run one as often as other facilities. Or, perhaps, you want to take a test run to see how the machines can benefit your floor and business. Whatever the case, we have a wide variety of scrubbers and sweepers available for rent. Give us a call today to get started.

Call for a Quote: 905-459-5348

Our Floor Machines

Walk Behind Scrubbers

Disk Scrub Path:
17” & 20”
Cylindrical Path:
Dimensions (L×W×H):
35” × 18” × 38”
Solution / Recovery Tank:
10 Gal / 10 Gal
Run Time:
Up to 2.5 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 15,748 sqft/hr
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Disk Scrub Path:
17” & 20”
Cylindrical Path:
Dimensions (L×W×H):
42” × 21” × 39”
Solution / Recovery Tank:
10 Gal / 10 Gal
Run Time:
Up to 3.5 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 15,748 sqft/hr
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Disk Scrub Path:
17”, 20” & 26”
Cylindrical Path:
Dimensions (L×W×H):
45” × 21” × 39”
Solution / Recovery Tank:
10 Gal / 10 Gal
Run Time:
Up to 3.5 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 27,027 sqft/hr
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Disk Scrub Path:
26” & 28”
Cylindrical Path:
25” & 29”
Dimensions (L×W×H):
52” × 22” × 40”
Solution / Recovery Tank:
16 Gal / 17 Gal
Run Time:
Up to 3.5 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 27.027 sqft/hr
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Disk Scrub Path:
30” & 34”
Cylindrical Path:
29” & 33”
Dimensions (L×W×H):
55” × 26” × 40”
Solution / Recovery Tank:
30 Gal / 32 Gal
Run Time:
Up to 5 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 31.915 sqft/hr
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Ride On Srubbers & Floor Sweepers

Disk Scrub Path:
26” & 28”
Cylindrical Path:
Dimensions (L×W×H):
48” × 24” × 55”
Solution / Recovery Tank:
22 Gal / 23 Gal
Run Time:
Up to 4 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 26,745 sqft/hr
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Disk Scrub Path:
26”, 30” & 34”
Cylindrical Path:
24”, 27”, 30” & 34”
Dimensions (L×W×H):
54” × 26” × 55”
Solution / Recovery Tank:
33 Gal / 36 Gal
Run Time:
Up to 7 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 33,500 sqft/hr
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Disk Scrub Path:
34”, 40” & 45”
Cylindrical Path:
34”, 40” & 46”
Dimensions (L×W×H):
69” × 36” × 56”
Solution / Recovery Tank:
65 Gal / 78 Gal
Run Time:
Up to 5 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 46,643 sqft/hr
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Disk Scrub Path:
Cylindrical Path:
26” × 10”
Dimensions (L×W×H):
2 cubic feet
Solution / Recovery Tank:
58” × 31” × 38”
Run Time:
Up to 4 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 30,000 sqft/hr
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Disk Scrub Path:
Cylindrical Path:
32” × 10”
Dimensions (L×W×H):
4 cubic feet
Solution / Recovery Tank:
64” × 37” × 55”
Run Time:
Up to 7 hours
Theoretical Coverage:
Up to 60,000 sqft/hr
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Why Us?

  • Great rates on all rental equipment
  • Daily, weekly and monthly rentals available
  • Fast delivery across Greater Toronto Area
  • Short notice requests are welcome
  • Fast and efficient cleaning to cut your costs
  • US-made steel framed scrubbers and sweepers

Call for a Quote